September 2023
A Chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild
The name of this Chapter shall be Daisy Mountain Quilters, also known as DMQ, and
hereinafter referred to as the Chapter. Any group affiliated with an organization other than
Daisy Mountain Quilters may not use the same name.
ARTICLE II – Purpose
DMQ is a chapter of the Arizona Quilters Guild (AQG) as defined by the bylaws of AQG. The
purpose of the Chapter is to contribute to the knowledge of and to promote quiltmaking
and the appreciation of quilts; to sponsor and support quilting activities; and to support
charities through donations of quilts and other textiles.
ARTICLE III – Membership & Dues
A. Membership
1. Any person interested in quilting may become an individual member by completion
of a membership application and payment of annual dues to AQG and to the Chapter. There
is no residency requirement for membership. All Chapter members must belong to AQG.
2. All members in good standing may participate in the business of the Chapter at
general meetings and shall have the right to elect officers, vote on Chapter matters, hold
office on the Chapter Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”), attend
Chapter-sponsored classes and events, and receive access to a newsletter, if any, plus
current membership and chapter rosters.
3. The Chapter shall not discriminate based on gender, age, disability, race, color,
religion, marital status, veteran status, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or
gender identity.
4. All members will pay annual dues to maintain membership.
5. Members shall always conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner to
reflect favorably upon the Chapter and to maintain membership in good standing.
6. An individual may attend three Chapter general meetings before being required to
join the Chapter and AQG.
7. Members in good standing will be provided a Chapter membership list, with the
understanding that this list will not be used for commercial purposes or published or shared
outside of the Chapter.
B. Dues
1. Dues shall be established by the Board. Membership shall be notified of the
amount(s) established by the Board in a newsletter or other form of communication
at least 30 days prior to the due date. Dues are established by taking into
consideration the cost of doing business and ensuring an appropriate surplus of
money is available to cover costs, such as rent, charity quilt supplies, door prizes,
workshop tools, and other Chapter offerings.
2. Dues are assessed annually and are payable no later than the June general meeting.
3. The membership year is from July 1 through June 30, which coincides with the fiscal
year. There is no reduction in dues for individuals joining the Chapter mid-year.
4. New members joining both AQG and DMQ after the AQG quilt show in March and
before June 30 may receive a 15-month membership in accordance with AQG policy.
C. Termination
1. Membership is automatically terminated upon:
a. Voluntary resignation.
b. Expiration of dues payment to either AQG or the Chapter.
c. Death of the individual.
d. Misconduct.
i. Failure to act in a respectful and appropriate manner.
iii. Misuse or theft of AQG or Chapter funds or property.
Improper use of AQG or Chapter name, logo, non-profit status, or
otherwise misrepresent AQG or the Chapter with intent to defraud.
iv. The member shall have an opportunity to present his or her defense
in writing prior to the Board’s decision. Membership is not
transferable or assignable.
2. Membership is not transferable or assignable.
ARTICLE IV – Policies & Practices
D. Financial Policies
1. The books and accounts shall be kept in accordance with sound accounting practices
and requirements for non-profit 501(c)(3) corporations. All monies derived from
Chapter activities shall be turned over to the Treasurer for deposit into the Chapter’s
accounts. All expenses are to be accompanied by an official receipt.
2. Review of financial records will be performed at the end of the Treasurer’s term by
an independent Financial Review Committee appointed by the Chapter Chair and
approved by the Executive Committee, composed of the incoming Treasurer and one
or two other Chapter members in good standing who have financial or business
experience. Results will be submitted to the Board for review and confirmation.
3. AQG will be notified that an outside independent audit of the books is requested, if
such an audit is recommended by the Financial Review Committee, or upon request
by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. The result of the audit will be
submitted to the Board and the membership.
4. The Treasurer must maintain communication with AQG, submitting all required
documents by AQG and the IRS.
5. A balanced budget, where annual expenditures do not exceed annual income, will be
prepared by the Board and ratified by the membership by majority vote.
E. Signing Checks and Contracts Policy
1. There will be two authorized check signers: The Treasurer and the Chapter Chair, or
a designee appointed by the Chapter Chair. Only one signature is required on
2. Reimbursement requests may be in the form of an invoice or receipt for goods, with
the purpose of the expenditure written on the receipt.
3. If the reimbursement is for the Treasurer, a Board member must co-sign the
invoice/receipt for goods.
4. All contracts entered into on behalf of the Chapter shall be signed by the Chapter
Chair, or a designated Board member at the discretion of the Chapter Chair.
F. Gift Policy
The Chapter will not pay for gifts presented to the Board or Committee members. If gifts
are desired, the cost will be the personal responsibility of the individual(s) giving the gift(s).
The exception is for the thank-you gift to the Chapter Chair which is presented at the end of
his/her term. Such gift shall be reasonable and not impose a financial hardship on the
G. Donation/Activity Sponsorship Policy
1. No member of the Chapter shall solicit a donation without the prior approval of the
2. No individual may advertise or represent the Chapter as a sponsor of any
activity/project unless the proposed activity/project is presented to the Board in
writing, receives Board approval, and thereafter becomes an officially sponsored
Chapter activity/project.
a. All monies of such activity/project will be collected and disbursed by the
Treasurer or other designee of the Board.
b. Infringement of this policy will result in immediate termination of Chapter
ARTICLE V – Member Meetings and Workshops
A. The Board will hold general meetings for the membership in a regularly designated
location each month, unless otherwise noted by the Board. Members of the Board will
present reports and information that are pertinent to the membership. Where possible,
Board members will submit agenda items two weeks in advance of the business meeting.
Additionally, Sew Days may be held as needed.
B. Workshops, retreats, and other learning opportunities provided by non-Chapter
members are considered additional programs and are subject to admission charges to the
membership and guests. Fees are established based on the actual costs incurred, including,
but not limited to, instructor rate, instructor travel/hotel/food, and facility fees.
ARTICLE VI – Board of Directors
A. Board Positions and Term
1. The Board shall consist of the Executive Committee and the Standing Committee
2. The Board shall have eight designated voting positions, consisting of the Executive
Committee (4) and the Standing Committee Chairpersons (4). In case of a tie, the
Chair’s vote prevails.
3. The Executive Committee consists of the Chapter Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary and
a. The Chapter Chair is a one-year term. The Chapter Chair will serve in an
advisory capacity, as needed, in the following year.
b. The Chair-Elect will serve a two-year commitment, with the first year being
Chair-Elect and the second year as Chapter Chair.
c. The Treasurer is a two-year term.
d. The Secretary is a one-year term.
4. The Standing Committees consist of Programs, Charity & Sew Days, Hospitality, and
Fundraising. These positions are one-year terms, but Chairs are eligible to run for a
second term.
5. All positions with one-year terms are eligible to serve a consecutive year if there are
no other nominees/volunteers to fill the positions.
6. All Board position terms are limited to two consecutive years, unless otherwise
specified. After a break of one year or more, he/she may serve again in the same
position. This term limit is intended to encourage broader participation in Chapter
leadership positions by all members.
7. No Board member shall serve in more than one Board position concurrently.
8. Position terms begin January 1 and end on December 31 of each year.
B. Board Business/Affairs and Meetings
1. The Board shall manage and be responsible for all business and affairs of the
Chapter, guided by the policies and bylaws of AQG and the Chapter.
2. The Board shall meet as needed throughout the year at the discretion of the Chapter
Chair to review progress to-date, suggested changes to the Chapter’s activities, and
other topics as deemed necessary.
3. A leadership meeting shall be called in the fall of each year by the outgoing Chapter
Chair. At this meeting, officers and chairpersons will give annual reports.
a. The meeting shall be called at the discretion of the Chapter Chair.
b. All Board members are required to attend.
c. Those unable to attend must:
i.notify the Chapter Chair of their absence, and
ii.provide a written report of their activity two weeks prior to the
4. The incoming Board shall hold an organizational meeting prior to the first meeting of
the new term of the organization to establish goals and objectives for the coming
a. Board meeting attendance is required for all Board members.
b. A Standing Committee co-chair or designee may sit in for the Committee
Chair and will have discussion and voting rights when sitting in.
5. It is the intention of the Board of Directors that members shall serve in a voluntary
capacity without payment or remuneration, except for reimbursement of reasonable
and actual out-of-pocket expenses. Such expenses should be pre-approved and
within budget, unless given specific Board approval otherwise.
C. Nominations and Elections
1. The Chapter Chair may form a Nominating Committee consisting of three (3) Chapter
members in good standing. The committee will be charged with nominating at least
one Chapter member as a candidate for each office to be filled. Nominations are to
be submitted to the Executive Committee at the fall Board meeting.
2. Nominations are conducted in November and elections are held in December.
D. Vacancy in Office
1. Secretary or Treasurer role: May be filled by appointment by the Chapter Chair, with
approval of the Board, for the unexpired portion of the term. Such appointment
shall occur within 30 days of the vacancy.
2. Chapter Chair: Will be filled by the Chair-Elect. The office of Chair-Elect will then be
filled by the membership in a special election after a slate of nominees is presented
by a nominating committee.
3. Chair-Elect, or a vacancy in the offices of both the Chapter Chair and Chair-Elect:
Will be filled by the membership in a special election after a slate of nominees is
presented by a nominating committee.
4. A simple majority of members voting shall elect officers. Officers elected shall
assume their responsibilities immediately following the special election.
ARTICLE VII – Committees
1. Standing Committees
1. Standing Committees are established each year to work with the Executive
2. Standing Committees are: Programs, Charity & Sew Days, Hospitality, and
3. Chairs are encouraged to secure chapter members to assist them in performing their
duties in a timely manner. The Board must be notified in writing of the names of all
committee members.
4. All Chairpersons shall give monthly reports to the Chapter and to the Board.
5. All Chairpersons shall document the job duties for their areas of responsibility.
6. There are many Service positions that provide activities and support to the Chapter
on a regular basis. These Service positions fall under the respective Executive
Committee/Board positions as outlined below:
a. Under Programs (Creative): Responsible for monthly speakers, monthly
and/or annual projects.
b. Under Fundraising: Responsible for methods of raising funds for the Chapter,
e.g. opportunity quilts, AutumnFest, raffle baskets.
c. Under Hospitality (Social): Responsible for social activities of the Chapter,
including the annual holiday party. Other examples are the Fat Quarter
Bonanza, Sunshine, refreshments, birthdays.
d. Under Secretary (Communications): Photographer, AQG Chatter reporter.
e. Under Treasurer (Financial): Membership, name tags.
2. Special/Ad Hoc Committees
1. Special/ad hoc committees, e.g. nominating committee, may be formed as needed
to fulfill short-term needs.
2. Special/ad hoc committee chairs are not Board members and their authority does
not extend beyond the specific purpose of the committee.
3. Committee Budgets
All committee Chairs shall inform the Treasurer of any monetary needs and shall work
within their budget unless given specific Board approval.
ARTICLE VIII – Bylaws & Amendments
The power to author, alter, amend, and repeal the by-laws, subject to repeal of change by
action of the members, shall be vested in the Board. Chapter membership will approve the
by-laws by a majority vote.
The Board or Chapter members in good standing may propose amendments to the bylaws.
Proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the Board.
The Board may make a recommendation to adopt, to not adopt, or take no position on a
proposed amendment. In the case where the Board recommends to not adopt a proposed
amendment, the Board shall give specific rationale for opposing the amendment.
Proposed bylaws changes will be published electronically 30 days prior to the vote.
ARTICLE IX – Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall
govern the Chapter in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Chapter may adopt.
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