Daisy Mountain Quilters 

 Monthly Business Meeting  January 4, 2025 


The meeting was called to order by Chapter Chair, Sandee Krueger at 1:08 p.m.  Sandee welcomed everyone to our new location at Crossroads. Asked everyone to be open to this new adventure and that this will be a work in progress as we settle in and decide what works best for our guild.  Daisy Mountain has a lot happening this year with a new location, programs, sew day, and AQG quilt show.   


There were 43 members and 1 guest.  Linda Rising introduced our guest, Gale Carson.   


Sandee thanked Sue Bostic and Rose Smigley for selling extra Autumnfest items at the Anthem Country club. 


Sandee announced Daisy Mountain does not have a fund raising chair, so there will be no raffle baskets, no opportunity quilt, no boutique at the quilt show or a booth at Autumnfest. In the past members were responsible for making all the items to sell.  By not participating, we will be able to avoid burnout and concentrate more on education and charity quilting.  


The only opportunity for fund raising is the cash back awards program from Frys market.  This can be done by linking your Frys card to Daisy Mountain and the funds will automatically be deposited in Daisy Mountain’s account at the end of each quarter.  Please let Sandee know if you need instructions.  If you want to support more than one Charity you can easily change your selection at any time.  The earning goal in 2025 is $200.  We earned $180 in 2024.   


Sandee explained that Daisy Mountain is a non-profit 501c3 organization and are qualified to accept donations.  She explained that having money in reserve for expenses is legal and important.  We fall under the umbrella of Arizona Quilt Guild (AQG) and must abide by their bylaws, as well as Daisy Mountain bylaws.  Any funds used from Daisy Mountain’s account must be for the purpose of education or charity.  Sew days are meant for education or charity projects because the cost of the room is taken from Daisy Mountains account.  If you would still like to participate in Sew day and work on your own project, please pay $5 to our Treasurer, Cindy Fonseca.   


Charity: Chairs, Linda Rising and Carolyn Miller announced Sew days will be the 4th Thursday of the month from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.   All the supplies for Sew day are in their possession. If you need batting, backing, sewing machine or anything else, please text them and they will bring to the Sew day or you can make other arrangements to pick up at their house.  Linda and Carolyn have coordinated Sew days with different charity and educational events.  February Sew day will have a representative from Tiny Humans demonstrating items needed; burp cloths, blankets, hearts, etc.  All supplies will be included.  March will be demonstration on how to use the Accuquilt, April the stripology ruler will be demonstrated.  First Sew day is January 23rd.  


Credits for charitable items will be two tickets for a quilt and one ticket for dog beds.  At the end of the year there will be a drawing for a prize.  


Treasury: Chair, Cindy Fonseca announced the board has approved the 2025 budget.  The budget has been posted on Facebook and emailed to members who do not have Facebook.  If you have any questions, please contact Cindy.  



Programs:  Chairs, Pamela Amico and Tisha Goodwin presented the Mystery quilt for 2025.  Pam showed a sample of the fabrics she will be using.  The instructions for fabric selection and cutting have been posted on Facebook and emailed.  Pam announced the programs in 2025 will focus on the small quilt shops. February Gale Carson will be doing a trunk show and sale of her batiks. 


Gale will be holding a separate class on March 1st to learn a different type of paper piecing.  Gale shared a sample of the template and explained the pieces are interchangeable for many different options. Sign- up sheet will be available at the February meeting.  The cost will be $30, plus the cost of the room. Firm cost is pending.  


At this point the following programs are planned; March – AZ Quilts, Deb Clarkson; September - Cactus Quilts, Kelly Grant; November – Parade of Mystery Quilts. The Mystery quilt will need to be bound and have a label to qualify for the drawing.   


Meeting recessed at 1:50 p.m.  


Meeting reconvened at 2:10 p.m.  


Peggy Foster showed a bag made from selvages.  Encouraged everyone to save their salvages.  There are several ideas on Pinterest they can be used for. Peggy will be demonstrating how to sew with salvages at one of the Sew days.  


January Birthdays were celebrated with their choice of a fat quarter. 


Monthly fat quarter drawing was won by Janet Schrey.  


February fat quarter will be “heart” themed. 


Show and Tell was held. 


First Sew day is Thursday, January 23rd from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.  


Next business meeting will be Friday, February 7th at 1 p.m. 


Meeting was adjourned at 2:41 p.m.  



Submitted by Janet Schrey





Daisy Mountain Quilters General Meeting
Friday, December 6, 2024
Chair Marlys Houge welcomed 44 members to the Holiday Luncheon at the Anthem Civic Building
on December 6, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. She introduced and welcomed our newest member, Kelly
Lanley. First order of business – a sumptuous feast of appetizers and desserts.
Business Meeting:
Marlys conducted a short business meeting including approval of the November minutes as printed
on the Facebook page. We have ended the year with $10,042.88 in our checking account. Cindy
Fonseca reported that DMQ chapter generated income this past year in the following manner:
• $1211 from the Opportunity Quilt
• $1700.50 from the Boutique Booth
• $937.00 from the raffle basket
• $116 from the free table
• $181 from Fry’s
• $402 from the summer retreat
The winner of the 2024 Opportunity Quilt is Toni Miller. Cindy called to notify her and learned that
she had purchased her ticket at the 35th Avenue table DMQ staffed one weekend this summer.
Charity Report:
Marlys reported that 61% of our members contributed item(s) to our charity efforts during 2024.
Our 55 members donated 223 items consisting of 93 quilts, 58 dog beds, and 72 pillowcases.
Additionally, we have given Christmas stockings, hats, and scarves. Donna Labosky won the $50
gift card drawing for charity donations.
Liz Kinsey won the Pleiades quilt $50.00 gift card drawing.
Good byes and Hellos:
Marlys thanked the outgoing board members for their contributions this past year. The 2024
outgoing board members who will no longer be serving in these capacities are as follows:
• Chair: Marlys Houge
• Secretary: Carolyn Miller
• Programs: Janet Schrey
• Fundraising: Gina McFarland
• Charity: Linda Rising
• Hospitality: Nikki Welch
Marlys Houge will be removed as co-signer on the account at Wells Fargo. The two signers on the
checking account in 2025 will be Sandee Krueger, Chair and Cindy Fonseca, Treasurer.
The 2025 board members were presented and voted upon in the affirmative. They are:
• Chair: Sandee Krueger
• Vice Chair: Donna Labosky
• Treasurer: Cindy Fonseca (continuing her two-year term through 2025)
• Secretary: Janet Schrey
• Programs: Pam Amico and Tisha Goodwin
• Charity: Linda Rising and Carolyn Miller
• Hospitality: Teresa Boi
Other leadership roles include Sue Bostic as sunshine, Robin Wheat as photographer and Chatter
reporter, and Heather Zavagnin as name tag maker.
Janet Schrey extended out heartfelt thanks to Marlys for her leadership throughout this past year.
Those taking part in the pincushion exchange opened their gift and showed their new, handmade
pincushion to all members. We held show and tell and then the Holiday luncheon committee took
over the festivities. We played Quilting Bingo and many members won door prizes. Those serving
on the committee created a fun afternoon for all. The committee consisted of Nikki Welch, Rose
Smilgys, Kathy Anastasiadis, Sue Bostic, Jill Scherer, Sandee Krueger, Teresa Boi, Pam Amico, Tisha
Goodwin, and Mary Lynne Arthun.
Our next general meeting will be held at the Crossroads Church in Anthem on Friday, January 3,
Carolyn Miller, secretary